- Alan Wallis 1950 Tilbrook 197cc M/C
- David Saint 1957 BMW 250cc M/C
- Warren Duncan 2002 Honda 250cc M/C
- Rob Smyth 1970 Motobecane 50cc Moped
- Ian Voysey 1947 Malvern Star 98cc Autobyk
- Joe Betschart 1972 Kreidler 50cc M/C
- Mick Hayes 2004 Suzuki 400cc M/C
- Roger O’Loughlin 1988 Suzuki 650cc M/C
- Paul David 1953 BSA 350cc M/C
- Chris Harris 1967 Yamaha 75cc M/C
- Victor Polten 2015 MotoGuzzi 850cc M/C
- Kym Miller 1977 Yamaha 500cc M/C
The weather was hot with gusty winds and entrants who travelled down from the Adelaide area experienced uncomfortable conditions on the journey.

The morning ride got away at the appointed time departing Goolwa via the Bridge to Hindmarsh Island and riders were exposed immediately to severe hot winds giving tropical conditions inside the helmet. However, these conditions soon changed to small gusts of cool maritime air as we approached the Murray Mouth parking area. After a 15 min. break to view the dredging operations at the Mouth the riders left for the trip back to Goolwa, via a quick look at the developments at the Hindmarsh Island Marina.
On this leg the only real bike problem for the day occurred when the legendary Ian Voysey- Malvern Star came to a halt with a fuel problem. Someone commented that it was not a real problem, it was just that the bike stopped to look for the pieces that fell off on this run last year! The bike was loaded onto the trailer and taken back to Goolwa where it retired for the day. Several other riders who had afternoon commitments elsewhere, also retired at this time.

Over lunch the day temperature reduced for the afternoon run to North Goolwa, the Airport, and the Goolwa Barrage. There was little happening at the airport due to the strong south westerly wind, so after regrouping, the ride continued on to Middleton and then to the No.9 Beacon parking area adjacent to the Goolwa Barrage. At this stop David Saint noticed that oil escaping from a breather hole in the bevel gear housing of his BMW was coating the rear tyre, so as a precaution the bike was loaded on the backup trailer and retired.

Information was received as the run finished that some road closures were in place in the ranges North of Goolwa due to the outbreak of bush fires. Riders returning back toward the city had to take appropriate detours, to avoid the Mount Compass area.
Thanks go to Roger O’Loughlin and Mick Hayes who marshalled the corners during the day and also to Wayne Williams for providing the backup vehicle, and of course for ”Tailend Charlie” Alan Wallis for controlling issues arising at the end of the line.
Report by Warren Duncan.
NEXT RUN: 26th Annual Moped Marathon – Sunday April 7th 2019
MEET: 9.00 for 9.30am start. Rear car park, Totness Inn — Mt. Pleasant.
RUN: Morning – Mt Pleasant/Williamstown/Springton/Angaston (lunch)
Afternoon –Angaston//Kyneton/Eden Valley/Springton/Mt. Pleasant.
distance Approx. 115 km.
REMEMBER: These runs cater for the slower rider, backup trailer always provided. Enquiries; Warren 8388 1770 or Alan 8295 5097