Membership Information

We expect members to abide by our rules and the Law, and follow the due process. Membership takes a month before you can apply for concessional Registration.

How to apply for membership

  • Complete a Membership Application form online or download a Membership Application form
  • Attend a General Meeting with your completed membership form. It is important that we meet you and you meet us.
  • Obtain the signature of a proposer and seconder to your application. They must both be financial members, and the room is usually full of them. Just make yourself known.
  • Hand the completed form, with the appropriate funds (this can be cheque or cash) to the Treasurer. It’s as simple as that.

Joining Fee $15 inc. club badge
Full Membership – Covers Family $35 per annum
Concession Membership $30 per annum
Magazine Printing and Postage $15 per annum

What happens next?

Your application will be presented to the next committee meeting, discussed and voted upon. Membership is usually conferred on successful applicants at the next general meeting. Attend the next General meeting and all things having been considered, and as most applicants are accepted, you will become a member of the Classic Owners Motor Cycle Club. You will then be eligible to access our library and what ever the club has to offer, even Historic Registration.

Membership applications will not be processed unless the document is complete, dated, bears all three signatures and is accompanied with the necessary fees. A personal appearance is also required at a general meeting before membership is conferred.

Please forward ALL membership enquiries to the Membership Secretary