There were 16 bikes at the start, Richard Knott led the way and our first stop was Lovell’s Bakery at Birdwood. From there, the ride was whittled down to 10 as we hit the long straight road to Swan Reach, via Sedan. We crossed the Murray by ferry and followed the river down to Nildottie, where we stopped for lunch.
We continued, following the river south through the scenic settlement of Younghusband and along East Front Rd, which hugs the river bank, and eventually crossed the Murray again at Mannum. Then it was a return trip home along Randell Rd, through Palmer & Tungkillo. Riders peeling off towards their homes at various points. It was quite a long ride – 310 kilometres for me, but the weather and scenery were glorious. Thanks to Richard and all who attended for a great day out.