The Classic Owners Motorcycle Inc. is staging another event at Hart’s Mill this year. It is our hope that we can engage the enthusiasm and participation of the whole Motorcycling Community. The event is an opportunity to show your pride and joy to the wider community in a fun and exciting way. In keeping with the historic theme of “Classics at Hart” 100 Years of Motorcycling in South Australia, we would like to invite owners machines from last century to either be involved in a static public display or ride them from Hart’s Mill to the Birdwood Mill Motor Museum and back. In the spirit of a community event we are also offering other motorcyclists the opportunity to participate in the ride.
The ridden component of the event will divided into two categories.
Category 1 Machines manufactured before 2000. Whose owners are confident that they will complete the ride, over the designated route with in the timetable laid down. Upon return to Hart’s Mill these machines will join the others on static display for judging. A trophy will be awarded for the best bike from each decade, as determined by the public. Entry registration fee $25.00
Category 2 Machines manufactured post 2000. This will be a social ride for these entrants and machines will be placed on display in Mundy Street upon return to Hart’s Mill. A trophy will be offered for most desirable bike. Entry registration fee $25.00
Category 3 Bikes entered in the static display in Market Square. A Trophy will be offered for most desirable bike. Entry registration fee $0.00
Due to the responses of those polled and in keeping with the spirit of “Classics at Hart” Category 1 Bikes will lead off the ride, as described in the Ride Etiquette information sheet.
All entrants will receive a memento of the event, in the “goodie” bag they will receive on the day. Category 1 & 2 entry fee includes:- Entry to the Birdwood National Motor Museum & a hamburger or sausage sizzle & cup of tea or coffee (proceeds to Birdwood CFS). Part proceeds from the event will be donated to a charity yet to be nominated.
Further information and entry form will be posted on this page at a later date.
A note regarding Ride Etiquette.