Weekend Ride – Sunday 2nd June 2024

4 Jun

Chris Herren, on his bright yellow BMW 1100, lead us up the hill from Hawthorn Cres, turning right at the top and going round Mt Lofty to Crafers, and crossing the Freeway, we wound our way via Upper Sturt Rd, to Clarendon, then down Baker’s Gully Rd, to McLaren Flat Rd, up Wickhams Hill Rd, and Ridge Rd, to the top of Willunga Hill, where we turned left towards Meadows, then onto Proctor Rd, and Enterprise Rd to Mt Compass, for our morning stop at the Community Bakery. There was indoor seating available, but we chose to sit outdoors in the sun which was comfortably warm.

Goolwa, was chosen for our lunch stop. Tony lead the ride back towards Adelaide, and turned left onto Lanacoona Rd, Pages Flat Rd, Pambula Rd and Victor Harbour Rd, a left turn at the roundabout towards Middleton, and Goolwa. One of our troop failed to notice Tony, turning North, and very sensibly turned South towards Victor Harbour and the Goolwa Rd, arriving in Goolwa well before the others. All were united for lunch at the Goolwa Bakery where again we sat in the sunshine and enjoyed lunch.

After lunch we headed home via Bull Creek Rd and Meadows, where we split up and took our chosen road for home. All the rides that set out from Hawthorn Cres stayed for the entire ride! A very enjoyable, if a little cold, ride. Thanks to Chris, for leading the first half and to Tony, for the

Next Ride Wednesday 5th June, meet at Hawthorn Cres 9.30 for 10 start.
Allan Vaisham
Honda CB450