At 10am, Alan Kernich, lead 22 riders up Greenhill Rd, turning left at Ridge Rd, at the top of the hill and working our way to Marble Hill Rd, then right onto Pound Rd, Knott’s Hill Rd and Hunter’s Rd, eventually coming out onto Lobethal Rd, near Ashton, these are magnificent roads for motorbikes steep hills, tight corners and lush green vegetation along 6th Creek. We followed the road through Lobethal and turned left on the Cudlee Creek Rd, right on Gorge Rd and then straight on to Mount Pleasant and our morning break.
Our morning stop was very congenial and as usual many of the worlds problems were solved, many roads ridden and even the most difficult mechanical problems fixed, over our coffees.
After the break we set out for Nairne, via Mt Torrens, Woodside, Harrogate emerging onto the Old Murray Bridge Rd near Dawsley, These roads left no doubt about the season, the paddocks were all yellow bone dry and crying out for rain. We turned right and arrived at the Little Birdy Bakery for our lunch.
The Little Birdy Bakery has a lovely outdoor setting perfect for our rider’s Lunch, the choice of food was excellent and the riders wasted no time in getting down to solving any problems left over from our morning stop. The ride broke up after lunch with riders heading of in the best direction for home.
It was an altogether excellent ride, the weather was perfect for a ramble through the hills, the roads a good mix of hills and bends and straighter and faster roads. Many thanks to Alan for leading and thanks to all the riders for joining us!
Next ride: Sunday 9th ride to Goolwa.
Sunday 16th a dirt road ride on Pine Hut Rd and Black hills Rd.
Both rides leave Hawthorn Cres 10am sharp.
Allan Vaisham
Club Captain.