It started out wet, soon got dry and we didn’t go to Lyndoch. There were only 5 starters for the ride, probably put off by the early morning showers, but it turned out to be quite a good day. Martin Blindell put his hand up to lead and off we went up Norton Summit Rd crossing over to Greenhill Rd onto Balhannah and Birdwood before stopping at the Mt Pleasant bakery.
We then turned right on Angas Valley Rd and headed to Sedan and Keyneton before turning back onto Eden Valley Rd and Springton Rd to Williamstown where we took another break.
After a quick refill at Kersbrook for the two Triumphs, we headed back home, some turning off at Cudlee Creek and others headed through the Gorge. Well done to the 5 riders who turned up, we had a great day.