18 riders fronted up for the October Sunday ride. Club Ride Captain Tony led our merry crew on a truly lovely ride on a beautiful (perfect) day of around 250km. A map of our route can be seen by following the link below.
Our journey started up Greenhill Road crossing over the Freeway through Bridgewater. We stopped for coffee at Meadows then suitably fortified with caffeine with tackled some new roads and some familiar ones on our way to Cape Jervis via the exhilarating Ridgetop road from Victor Harbour for a photo stop.
No matter how many times I ride down that long straight descent into the Cape ferry terminal the view takes my breath away. It is always beautiful but today it was awesome. The sky and the sea were both the darkest deepest blue. KI seemed to swim suspended between sea and sky.
We backtracked to Delamere for a bite to eat and a comfort stop before reveling in the beautiful road to Rapid Bay for another photo stop and for the writer to get ever so slightly bogged (big shout out to the rider who gave me a push back allowing me to retain some dignity). We concluded with a run over the Myponga reservoir from the Carrickalinga end.
The only real adventure was earlier on in the ride when a dog wearing the ‘collar of shame’ wandered out into the middle of the road and our group. Poor thing could only see straight ahead. Thanks to some fine bike handling by all involved and some excellent hand signals disaster was avoided.
As the photos show we are truly blessed to live in what is arguably the best state in the best country in the world. We have some problems, of course we do, but on balance we are truly blessed. For me this was a wonderful ride and I was very glad to be able to share it with Darryl Vee, a Hard Arse brother. I promised Darryl an entertaining ride and this ride certainly delivered.
We stopped for the last time at the Aldinga OTR and dispersed from there. If you are not making it to our Club rides you are missing great times.
Till next time keep the rubber on the road.
Thanks to Peter Perry for the words and photos from Adrian How.