Mopeds Plus Beach Run – CANCELLED

20 Nov

The Mopeds Plus Adelaide Beach Run, scheduled for Sunday 6th December, has been CANCELLED. There have been issues with booking lunch at the Birkenhead Tavern and both the Mopeds Plus Co-ordinators, Alan Wallace & Warren Duncan are unavailable. The next Mopeds Plus Run will be in February 2021 details TBA.

The next monthly club run scheduled for Sunday 29th November is STILL ON! It’s been billed as the Christmas Mystery Run and willing participants are asked to meet at Hawthorn Crescent, Hazelwood Park at 9:30am for a 10am start. The ride leader will elected at the start of the run, so would be riders are asked to have some idea where they’d like to go. This will be the last chance to go on a club run before the Christmas break.