If you didn’t visit Balhannah Oval last Sunday for the inaugural British Motorcycle Day, you missed out. This hastily arranged event was put together by the Festival of Motorcycling committee, partially in response to the cancelled All British Day held at Euchunga. The difference was that this was for British motorcycles only.
2022 is the 120th anniversary of both Triumph and Norton motorcycles and both marques were recognised by a large display of Triumphs at the northern end of the oval and plethora of Nortons on the west side. Opposite was a long line of BSAs and, interspersed were the Levis Club with some interesting old bikes and many sporting bikes from road racing to speedway.
Raleigh and Scott

Many of the bikes were started by their owners, much to the delight of onlookers. I saw the Levis Club’s JAP engined OEC running, Phil Baughan’s 650 TriBSA (which you may remember from a recent club meeting) and I even managed to cajole the owner of a trailered 1940 Triumph Tiger 100 to crank it up his engine too.

The caterers at the northern end had to replenish supplies twice and the ice cream salesman was doing a roaring trade. Apparently, close to a 1,000 paid up visitors were in attendance – an excellent result, considering the limited time frame and opportunity offered to the organising committee.
At the northern end of the oval was the DJ who did a fine job MCing the day behind his turntable and an Ariel Square Four. Lew sold out all his British Motorcycle Regalia and the COMCC stand was busy registering all the Show ‘n’ Shine entrants along with guarding the trophies.

Towards the end of the day’s proceedings, the judges had made up their minds which bikes deserved the trophies and all the winners were lined up awaiting the presentations. I’m not sure who all the owners were, but there was an ES2 outfit, a BSA Firebird, a couple of Vincent V-twins, a Hurricane and Rob Elliott’s excellent Norton Model 18. It was a fitting end for Rob, as he was one of the main drivers and instigators for putting on the event in the limited time frame. Well done to all the organisers and the motorcycling public for helping make this event a success.