Hi Guys,
Myself and fellow member Leon van Brussel decided to attend the annual Booleroo Steam Traction Rally. We departed from my place at Cheltenham at just after 06:30am. We arrived just after 09:30am. The event opened at 07:30am and was scheduled to close at 16:00 pm (4.00pm). We decided to drive and took our own vehicles.
We stayed until about 14:30pm (2:30pm) having walked the exhibits and enjoyed the fine weather and friendly participants.
This is a yearly one day event and although there are ample camping grounds and caravan sites we concluded that it would be an enjoyable day trip for our fellow members. There were a few motorcyclists but none were camping.
Please find enclosed the programme and a few photos in PNG format. This is a bulky communication and may take some time to download on your end.
There was also a Swap Meet on site with an eclectic array of items for sale.

Dave Garrett