The Weather was perfect for a ride and 10 riders and one pillion were at Hawthorn Crescent, ready to roll at 10 am, interestingly the vintage bikes 1971 to 1999 out numbered the moderns. The Club Captain lead the group up Greenhill Rd to Beaumont Rd, which we followed to Verdun, then into Hahndorf, a right turn onto River Rd, which is now all 60 kph speed limit, till it joins Echunga Rd, a right turn in Echunga onto Battunga Rd which took us to The Pick a Pie in Meadows for our morning stop. The Café was busy with many other motorbike riders sampling the food.
As we rode out of Meadows a group of Harleys, with riders wearing jeans and T shirts, passed us, with much noise and haste, they were obviously in a hurry! We turned onto Brookman Rd, and headed for Willunga, where we swung onto the Victor Harbour Rd, rode through Mount Compass and turned left at Goolwa Rd, which took us to Goolwa and The Heritage Bakery For lunch.
The Bakery was busy and we had to wait a few minutes for a table. The Moped Riders were to meet us there, but they decided to lunch at a less busy café, a wise move as it turned out.
After lunch we set out for Adelaide Via Meadows, this gave us a chance to ride Bull Creek Rd. By the time we reached Meadows, there were few of us left as riders had branched off for home at convenient points.
It was another great ride with perfect weather except for a little wind at one point. Thanks to Roger O’Loughlin, for riding Tail End, and thanks to all the riders for your company!
Next Ride: Sunday 16th Dirt Road ride on Pine Hut and Black Hill Rd. Any one wishing to ride, but not on the Dirt, there are alternate roads, we will meet for lunch at Walker Flat, and ride home together.
Week day ride Tuesday 18th. Both Rides meet at Hawthorn Crescent 9.30 for 10am start.
Allan V
Club Captain.