On this glorious warm sunny day, 12 motorcycles gathered at Hawthorn Crescent for our monthly Sunday ride. Tony Mitchell our Club Captain lead us up Greenhill Rd, stopping briefly at the Summertown CFS to make sure all our riders were with us, then through Uradla, a left turn onto Range Rd, after that it became complicated, with your reporter having the greatest trouble staying on the road and reading the road names at the same time! They were marvellous roads narrow and twisting with constantly changing scenery. We crossed Sixth Creek, several times, eventually coming out on Lobethal Rd. At the Coldstore a couple interlopers who had joined us, turned of taking half of our guys with them. At a quick meeting Ray Kill, pointed out that since there was no corner Marshall, we should continue straight on. At Lobethal we met up with a few others. Since the morning stop was to be Birdwood, we could only go on and hope that everyone would turn up. We all arrived at Lovell’s Bakery together!
During our morning stop Milang, was chosen for lunch. We headed towards Mt Pleasant, turned right at Randell Rd, on to Palmer, Right again towards Murray Bridge, right again towards Monarto, over the freeway and on till we reached the Langhorne Creek Rd, a right and a left at Lake Plains Rd, and on to the Rotunda in Milang, for lunch. It was a particularly pleasant lunch stop, sitting in a circle under the rotunda, made conversation easy and we stayed longer than usual enjoying the company.
We stopped briefly in Strath, for some of us to fill up. A couple turned towards Wistow, the rest for Meadows and home. Thanks to Tony, for a particularly enjoyable ride, his knowledge of our roads never ceases to amaze!
Next Ride: Wednesday 1st May 9.30 from Hawthorn Crescent.
Allan Vaisham
Honda CB500T