Midweek Ride Wednesday 16th July

19 Jul

     Five riders tuned up for the second midweek ride of the month, not entirely surprising it was
cold with a little drizzle and all the roads we travelled on were wet. Your reporter lead the group up Greenhill, for Williamstown, our planed morning stop. We turned left at the top of the hill onto Ridge Rd. A short way along Ridge Rd, a 1975 model Honda 500T, misfired a few times and stopped dead, the other riders pulled over and waited patiently while the owner did some quick trouble shooting and eventually finding the kill switch at fault. The only way to get going again was to hot wire the ignition, this done we set out again, via Marble Hill Rd, Montacute Rd, Corkscrew Rd and Gorge Rd, finding it a bit late for Williamstown, we thought Cudlee Creek a better bet, but the Cafe was closed, so we proceeded to Gumeracha, where we enjoyed a long coffee break reminiscing on how we started riding and our first bikes.


     By the time we were ready to brave the cold it was almost lunch time, we discussed remaining where we were for lunch, but decided that was too decedent. One rider set out for home the remaining four set out for Lobethal 10 Km on and had lunch in the Bakery. After a pleasant lunch we decided it was time to go home and warm up. We rode through Woodside and after that riders dropped out when convenient for their ride home.

      The weather was a little unpleasant, but good company made it a pleasant experience.

Next Ride: Sunday 28th July.
Allan Vaisham
Honda CB500T