Club Ride to The Bend Motorsport Park, 3rd March

7 Mar

Sunday was a particularly pleasant day with slight overcast and warm but not hot temperature. Det Voges, one of our new members offered to lead the ride to Strathalbyn for our morning stop, we only had six riders and a pillion, so we dispensed with the Tail End Charley. Det led us up Greenhill Rd, to Balhannah and skirting Littlehampton, and Nairne, by roads that were new to the rest of the riders on to Summit Rd, Hartmann Rd, Peach Rd and Wistow, then on Long Valley Rd to Strathalbyn.

It was a very pleasant morning stop at the Corner Bakery, but eventually the rides mounted up for the ride to Tailem Bend, via Langhorne Creek, Wellington, Jervois, where we crossed the river and proceeded to The Bend Motor Sport Park, where only three bikes arrived and four people dismounted.


None of us had been to the Park before and we were all impressed with the size and lavish layout of the track and buildings and we spent over an hour exploring the building and the numerous exhibits. We did see bikes racing and the view of the track from the top viewing platform was spectacular, well worth the ride!

Det, and the Captain set out for home via Murray Bridge, Palmer, Tungkilo, Mt Torrens, and Woodside.

A very enjoyable ride in every respect. Thanks to Det, for leading the first half of the ride and thanks to the other riders for their company. The only question is why so few riders?

Next Ride: Wednesday 5th and Tuesday 18th March, Leaving Hawthorn Crescent, 10 sharp.

Hope to see you there!

Allan Vaisham, Club Captain


Weekend Ride, 9th February 2025

14 Feb


      The Weather was perfect for a ride and 10 riders and one pillion were at Hawthorn Crescent, ready to roll at 10 am, interestingly the vintage bikes 1971 to 1999 out numbered the moderns. The Club Captain lead the group up Greenhill Rd to Beaumont Rd, which we followed to Verdun, then into Hahndorf, a right turn onto River Rd, which is now all 60 kph speed limit, till it joins Echunga Rd, a right turn in Echunga onto Battunga Rd which took us to The Pick a Pie in Meadows for our morning stop. The Café was busy with many other motorbike riders sampling the food.

      As we rode out of Meadows a group of Harleys, with riders wearing  jeans and T shirts, passed us, with much noise and haste, they were obviously in a hurry! We turned onto Brookman Rd, and headed for Willunga,  where we swung onto the Victor Harbour Rd, rode through Mount Compass and turned left at Goolwa Rd, which took us to Goolwa and The Heritage Bakery For lunch.

            The Bakery was busy and we had to wait a few minutes for a table. The Moped Riders were to meet us there, but they decided to lunch at a less busy café, a wise move as it turned out.

            After lunch we set out for Adelaide Via Meadows, this gave us a chance to ride Bull Creek Rd. By the time we reached Meadows, there were few of us left as riders had branched off for home at convenient points.

            It was another great ride with perfect weather except for a little wind at one point. Thanks to Roger O’Loughlin, for riding Tail End, and thanks to all the riders for your company!

 Next Ride: Sunday 16th Dirt Road ride on Pine Hut and Black Hill Rd. Any one wishing to ride, but not on the Dirt, there are alternate roads, we will meet for lunch at Walker Flat, and ride home together.

Week day ride Tuesday 18th. Both Rides meet at Hawthorn Crescent 9.30 for 10am start.


Allan V

Club Captain.


Weekday Ride Report Wednesday 5th February

7 Feb

          At 10am, Alan Kernich, lead 22 riders up Greenhill Rd, turning left at Ridge Rd, at the top of the hill and working our way to Marble Hill Rd, then right onto Pound Rd, Knott’s Hill Rd and Hunter’s Rd,  eventually coming out onto Lobethal Rd, near Ashton, these are magnificent roads for motorbikes steep hills, tight corners and lush green vegetation along 6th Creek. We followed the road through Lobethal and turned left on the Cudlee Creek Rd, right on Gorge Rd and then straight on to Mount Pleasant and our morning break.

            Our morning stop was very congenial and as usual many of the worlds problems were solved,  many roads ridden and even the most difficult mechanical problems fixed, over our coffees.

            After the break we set out for Nairne, via Mt Torrens, Woodside, Harrogate emerging onto the Old Murray Bridge Rd near Dawsley, These roads left no doubt about the season, the paddocks were all yellow bone dry and crying out for rain. We turned right and arrived at the Little Birdy Bakery for our lunch.

            The Little Birdy Bakery has a lovely outdoor setting perfect for our rider’s Lunch, the choice of food was excellent and the riders wasted no time in getting down to solving any problems left over from our morning stop. The ride broke up after lunch with riders heading of in the best direction for home.

            It was an altogether excellent ride, the weather was perfect for a ramble through the hills, the roads a good mix of hills and bends and straighter and faster roads. Many thanks to Alan for leading and thanks to all the riders for joining us!

Next ride: Sunday 9th ride to Goolwa.

                 Sunday 16th a dirt road ride on Pine Hut Rd and Black hills Rd.

Both rides leave Hawthorn Cres 10am sharp.


Allan Vaisham

Club Captain.

Club Captain’s Report – January 2025

24 Jan

2025 got off to a good start with our President leading a very enjoyable New Year’s Day ride to Myponga and Delamere. There was very little traffic on the roads as we set out, but by our morning stop it had increased and by lunchtime, all major roads were busy.

Our weekday ride today saw 16 motorcycles and a side-car outfit, with the Club Captain leading, set out for Langhorne Creek and Wistow. It soon became obvious that Langhorne Creek was too far, a quick change of plan and our morning stop became Macclesfield, and lunch, Langhorne Creek. The weather was favourable and it was an enjoyable ride.

Our next Sunday ride will be on 9th February and then on 2nd March.

Rides News

20 Nov

     The Club Captain, was unwell for the first ride of the month on Wednesday 6th November, Martin Blindell, kindly offered to lead the ride and 15 bikes turned up. It was an excellent ride with stops at the Strawberry Farm near Nairne and lunch at Milang.

     Today’s ride, Tuesday 19th November, was lead by the Club Captain. 28 bikes gathered at Hawthorn Crescent, our morning stop was Meadows. A Yamaha XS650 hit a bump and stopped dead, the owner chose to wait for the RAA. In Meadows, most chose to get their refreshments at the Pick a Pie shop, but a few went to Mawson’s Cafe further up the road. The Captain should have made the route clear to the riders before leaving, because as we rode off some ride headed home and others followed them instead of the leader, as a result we lost some riders who had intended to go on with us. By the time we reached Yankalilla there were only 8 bikes left. Some of us took the opportunity to ride over the Myponga Dam on the way home, the road is now open again.

     The next ride is on Sunday 1st December which coincides with the Mopeds Plus ride. The big bikes will start at Hawthorn Crescent, but both rides will meet and have lunch with the Moped riders at the Charleston Hotel.

The first ride of next year will be on New Years Day, Wednesday 1st January 2025.

     A Coast ride around Port Adelaide and beaches, ending at Glenelg has been proposed, The Captain feels that a Sunday is too busy a time for both traffic and hospitality, so the ride will be held during a midweek ride. Details to be announced soon.

Allan Vaisham
Club Captain

Weekend Ride 27th October 2024

29 Oct

The weather was perfect and 10 riders gathered on an assortment of motorbikes for our October Sunday ride. The Captain lead up Greenhill Rd, Swamp Rd, through Lobethal, to Gumeracha, where one bike turned off, then onto Forreston Rd, a … Read More »

Weekend Ride 28th July 2024

29 Jul

On a cold but mostly clear Sunday with Tony Mitchell, the leader and nine followers rode up Greenhill Rd, to Balhanah, turning right and then left onto Mappinga Rd, then winding our way avoiding Woodside and Oakbank, to the Nairne … Read More »

Midweek Ride Wednesday 16th July

19 Jul

     Five riders tuned up for the second midweek ride of the month, not entirely surprising it wascold with a little drizzle and all the roads we travelled on were wet. Your reporter lead the group up Greenhill, for … Read More »

Midweek Ride : Tuesday 21st May

27 May

Another very enjoyable ride started with 15 riders leaving Hawthorn Crescent and heading up Greenhill Rd. Richard, riding his formidably fast looking Honda CBR1100XX, lead the ride on this cold and overcast day. We stopped briefly at Summertown, to make … Read More »