The club decided to stage a display at the 3rd Lions Bike Show on Sunday. We met at the usual spot in Hazelwood Park and attracted about a dozen riders. I decided the quickest route would be up Mt Lofty and onto the Freeway exiting at Stirling, through Mylor, Echunga and then onto Macclesfield Oval.

There we met up with Wayne Williams who transported the club gazebo and some chairs. We set up in the same spot where we have for the past 3 years at the southern end of the oval.
Several other club members joined us as the morning progressed until we had about 20 bikes in total. I’m guessing these numbers, as I didn’t make an effort to count them. I also didn’t take many photos of our own display, as I was too busy inspecting the hundreds of bikes which turned up for the show.

The weather was warm and sunny and we didn’t see any of the expected showers which the forecast had promised. Other clubs present included the BSA Owners, The Vintage & Veteran, Triumph Riders, Vintage Japanese and the BMW Owners. The show has gone from strength to strength since it’s inception and the organisers did another great job. Well done to Fred Horvath and his crew for putting on an excellent show and well done to all our members for making the effort to bring their bikes out for the day.