The Club Captain, was unwell for the first ride of the month on Wednesday 6th November, Martin Blindell, kindly offered to lead the ride and 15 bikes turned up. It was an excellent ride with stops at the Strawberry Farm near Nairne and lunch at Milang.
Today’s ride, Tuesday 19th November, was lead by the Club Captain. 28 bikes gathered at Hawthorn Crescent, our morning stop was Meadows. A Yamaha XS650 hit a bump and stopped dead, the owner chose to wait for the RAA. In Meadows, most chose to get their refreshments at the Pick a Pie shop, but a few went to Mawson’s Cafe further up the road. The Captain should have made the route clear to the riders before leaving, because as we rode off some ride headed home and others followed them instead of the leader, as a result we lost some riders who had intended to go on with us. By the time we reached Yankalilla there were only 8 bikes left. Some of us took the opportunity to ride over the Myponga Dam on the way home, the road is now open again.

The next ride is on Sunday 1st December which coincides with the Mopeds Plus ride. The big bikes will start at Hawthorn Crescent, but both rides will meet and have lunch with the Moped riders at the Charleston Hotel.
The first ride of next year will be on New Years Day, Wednesday 1st January 2025.
A Coast ride around Port Adelaide and beaches, ending at Glenelg has been proposed, The Captain feels that a Sunday is too busy a time for both traffic and hospitality, so the ride will be held during a midweek ride. Details to be announced soon.
Allan Vaisham
Club Captain