Sunday was a particularly pleasant day with slight overcast and warm but not hot temperature. Det Voges, one of our new members offered to lead the ride to Strathalbyn for our morning stop, we only had six riders and a pillion, so we dispensed with the Tail End Charley. Det led us up Greenhill Rd, to Balhannah and skirting Littlehampton, and Nairne, by roads that were new to the rest of the riders on to Summit Rd, Hartmann Rd, Peach Rd and Wistow, then on Long Valley Rd to Strathalbyn.
It was a very pleasant morning stop at the Corner Bakery, but eventually the rides mounted up for the ride to Tailem Bend, via Langhorne Creek, Wellington, Jervois, where we crossed the river and proceeded to The Bend Motor Sport Park, where only three bikes arrived and four people dismounted.
None of us had been to the Park before and we were all impressed with the size and lavish layout of the track and buildings and we spent over an hour exploring the building and the numerous exhibits. We did see bikes racing and the view of the track from the top viewing platform was spectacular, well worth the ride!
Det, and the Captain set out for home via Murray Bridge, Palmer, Tungkilo, Mt Torrens, and Woodside.
A very enjoyable ride in every respect. Thanks to Det, for leading the first half of the ride and thanks to the other riders for their company. The only question is why so few riders?
Next Ride: Wednesday 5th and Tuesday 18th March, Leaving Hawthorn Crescent, 10 sharp.
Hope to see you there!
Allan Vaisham, Club Captain