Proposed new SA motorcycle learner restrictions

1 Feb

Have you heard of the proposed changes to motorcycling licences as put forward by Adelaide University’s Centre for Automotive Safety Research for the Transport Department? In brief here are the proposals:-

  • raising the minimum riding age from 16 to 18 years.
  • forcing 50cc scooter/moped riders to hold a full R licence. Currently they require a car licence.
  • riders on L plates for at least 6 months and increasing R-date licences (equivalent of P plates) from 1 to 2 years.
  • imposing a curfew on learners from midnight to 5am and a total ban on drugs/alcohol.
  • enforcing the wearing of high visibility clothing.
  • introducing ‘on road’ licence testing and a new ‘hazard perception’ test.

Other changes such as not using phones, not being allowed to tow trailers and not being allowed a pillion passenger have also been put forward.

The 36-page review, entitled Recommendations for a graduated Licencing System for Motorcyclists in South Australia, rules out mandatory protective clothing, but it urges other measures such as improved infrastructure spending, better vehicle technology as well as training and police enforcement. There seem to be no proposals for advanced training.

The report is on this website  while submissions can also be sent to The consultation closes on February 16.

See Editor’s view

Lane Filtering

24 Jan

Several people have been asking about lane filtering on South Australia roads. What is lane filtering? Are motorcyclists allowed to lane filter? When is it safe to do so? Here is a video which appears on the DPTI South Australia website. This is the official DPTI version, so it may be treated as gospel.


Saturday 6 December run to Lyndoch

14 Dec

What a glorious early Summer’s day! A minor hiccup at the designated Civic Park TTP meeting place which was roped off for a Christmas Carols night that evening. In fact the car park was almost full of portable toilets. We … Read More »

National Veteran Rally, Barossa Valley 2017

6 Nov

A feature length film of Scottparts down under, riding a 1915 Scott on the National Veteran Motorcycle Rally, September 2017 in the Barossa Valley. This film features riding, interviews, bike introductions, a cellar door visit, and tries to capture the general camaraderie and feel of the rally.